It’s that time of the year again… the nights get shorter, the days cooler, and the TV is overtaken with back to school commercials of dancing notebooks and pencils. That’s right, it’s back to school season!
One of the most challenging parts of back to school season is getting the kids (and myself) back into the swing of things. That’s right, no more sugary cereal for breakfast, and required summer reading starts to take up all the free time of these last few summer days. All parents know that preparing for the school routine takes a lot of work and endless errands, and one of my Facebook friends shared one of her back to school musts: haircuts. Thanks, Beth you helped remind me to schedule them!
Not to mention there’s buying the school supplies, uniforms, and doctor’s appointments. As for me, another Facebook friend Robyn said it best, “mentally preparing to let go of the laid back days of summer and adjust to the busy schedule” – that’s right, early bedtimes and even earlier wake-ups in the morning, and getting back into the swing of homework, tests, practices, etc. But, with the new school year comes a fresh start, new friends, & lots of fun times to look forward to! What are you doing to prepare for back to school season?
Want to read more, check out this blog on things I will miss about summer and other reasons why I am so excited that my kids are going Back to School.