Tracey Saab

Tracey Saab is this week’s guest who drops wisdom on living our truth even though it may be a bit messy but it is indeed beautiful. We’re all imperfect, and yet we can flourish when we accept it and are willing to put ourselves out there as we are.

Tracey shares her her story of growing up with an eating disorder and never feeling good enough as well as her struggle with perfectionism prior to learning to live her truth.  Comparing yourself to others is setting yourself up for failure, Tracey has learned and encourages us not to do that. She is a big believer in community and believes that we work better together. She has been a community warrior in her community helping others in need and we talk about the helper’s high too.

Colleen had written a blog post earlier in the year about declaring your word of the year, Tracey read that blog post and took action.  Her word is, W.H.O.L.E which stands for Witness Her Ordinary Life Evolve and Colleen can attest that she sees Tracey evolving everyday while inspiring others as she does this.

There is so much gold in this podcast. She also talks about the value in a support system, laughter is key and to remember to be gentle with yourself. And when it comes to perfection, perfection is NOT the goal. She encourages others to take the risk, don’t stay stuck, don’t over-analyze and to put yourself first. Tracey’s infectious personality and stories of her personal journey will inspire you to be bold, be brave, and be you!

You can find more about Tracey Saab and One Simple Change on her wellness page where she motivates, inspires and offers some great tips and ideas and solutions for healthy living here.

Her Community Warriors page is here.

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